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We are live on our Facebook page every Sunday at 10:45 am.

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We meet as a Church every Sunday at 10:45 am!

OFFERINGS: Can be placed in the offering trays before or after services or continue mailing them to P.O. Box 16113, Tucson, AZ 85732.
Let’s maintain our Stewardship for ministry needs!

If you are not able or do not feel comfortable attending services in person yet, please take advantage of these options:
Livestreamed services, Sunday morning at 10:45 am.
Also, previously recorded services of Shining Light are available online.


We will inform you when the Van Ministry resumes.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Pastor & Mrs. White
Let your Light So Shine…
Matthew 5:16

Shining Light Baptist Church stands on the King James Version of the Holy Bible and we use The Word of God “in spirit and in truth”.

We Are An Independent Church
We are free from all outside control or denominational hierarchy and acknowledge our direct responsibility to the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
See: Colossians 1:18

We Are A Fundamental Church
We take The Bible literally. We believe the Scriptures are inerrant, the authority for our faith and practice, and applicable for our daily lives. We hold to the fundamentals of the Christian faith including the verbal inspiration of scripture, the virgin birth, the Deity of Christ, His sacrificial death and blood atonement for our sins, His bodily resurrection from the dead, the depravity of man and salvation by grace through faith.
See: 2 Timothy 3:16

We Are A Baptist Church
We believe and practice the Scriptures. We believe in Salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone, as a free gift, then baptism by immersion should follow. We hold to the Baptist Distinctives without apology.
See: Ephesians 2:8-9; Matthew 28:19

We Are An Evangelistic Soul Winning Church
Our mission is to reach people for Jesus Christ and we endeavor to obey this command by our soul-winning programs.
See: Acts 1:8

We Are A Church with Christ Honoring Music
Our desire is to glorify the Lord and minister to people by bringing them into an attitude of worship through hymns and music that uplifts Jesus Christ.
See: Psalms 69:30; Psalms 100:2-4

We Are A Separated Church
We are separated from religious ecumenical inclusivism encouraging believers to live a life of personal separation from a worldly lifestyle and doctrine. We believe in the doctrine of separation.
See: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

We Are A Missionary Church
We believe a scriptural church must obey the Great Command, “…Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature